Ergebnisse der Expertenbefragung zur Erosionsgefährdung der UNESCO-Welterbestätten im zirkum-alpinen Raum

Based on information from the Palafittes Database, hosted by the Swiss Coordination Group UNESCO Palafittes, Basel (www., and a considerable amount of preexisting knowledge a questionary was...

Based on information from the Palafittes Database, hosted by the Swiss Coordination Group

UNESCO Palafittes, Basel (www., and a considerable amount of

preexisting knowledge a questionary was developed and distributed to local specialists in the

competent monuments authorities. The return of completed questionnaires provides the basis

of the analysis presented here. ...

OSTENDORP, W. (2016): Erosion hazards in littoral pile dwelling sites of the UNESCO World

Heritage. – Scientific Report, 17 pp., Limnological Institute, University of Konstanz.